pan, nymphIn one of my favorite books, author Tom Robbins makes a case for a way to promote longevity which doesn’t require vitamins or supplements of any kind. In “The Jitterbug Perfume” he follows the 1000 year life of King Alabar during the 10 centuries prior to the 21st. During feudal times it was customary to execute the king by means of a poisoned egg. All that was necessary for this to occur was a single strand of grey hair or a flagging performance in the private chambers of the king. This policy was to ensure a strong and virile leader sat on the throne, since his job was to lead knights to battle to protect the kingdom. His success was rewarded with a generous harem to assure bountiful heirs to the throne.
As the story goes, when the time came, the job of administrating the fatal poisoned egg fell to the king’s number one consort, or queen. Because of his unusual wisdom and compassion, Alabar’s queen decided to conspire with him to circumvent his death. When a traitorous grey hair was discovered by the court magician the king’s execution was ordained. As planned, the egg’s lethal dose was diluted, and after his faked death the queen dug him up and he fled the kingdom. He traveled East, and after spending an enjoyable time with Pan and his nymphs, he wandered into a secret sect who had discovered the secret to eternal life. He spent enough time with them to learn the basics of their ways and so was able to maintain himself in the prime of life. Although breathing properly and eating right were cornerstones of this sect’s secret, the Tom Robbins twist for a long life was to fool the body’s genes into believing a man’s reproductive powers were still necessary and in use.
The basic premise is that our DNA has but one function; to assure the survival of the species. To this end our DNA will perform the job of cellular cleansing and faithful cell replication as long as they believe the body is still performing it’s procreative function. Once our DNA determines we are no longer procreating it slacks off and ageing and cellular degradation begin.
Tom Robbins’ theory received an unexpected confirmation from an anthropology study of hunter/gather societies. A mathematical model by Stanford University biologist Shripad D. Tuliapurkar and colleagues affirmed that human evolution would have preserved genes that favor both male and female survival for as long as they can reproduce.
So the moral of the story is to use it or lose it. It seems our sex lives may have a great deal to do with the health and length of our lives. Sounds fair to me.
Bob Parmelee
Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Science to the Rescue
After the E-Coli /Spinach disaster of 2006 which caused several deaths and many severe illnesses in over half the states, little has been heard. However, the repercussions are still reverberating throughout the farming community. In a typical display of overkill farmers have been subjected to hoards of auditors. Among their duties these auditors roam the fields looking for animal feces. Crop circles are then drawn around these “piles” and no crops within 25 ft. are supposed to be harvested. I am no farmer but I can imagine trying to dodge a field full of circles and trying to make a living out of what is left. At great cost fences are being erected to keep the free roaming animals out of the crops. Animals known to carry the E-Coli bacterium include cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and deer. Ponds are being filled in and huge buffer zones are being established around irrigation water sources and livestock waste depositories. However, the invasion doesn’t stop with land animals. We need also to be concerned with snails, frogs and tadpoles, slugs, rats and field mice, and, of course, air born attacks from flies butterflies, and birds, etc.
Obviously we cannot protect ourselves from anything which might carry a disease. To suggest we can sterilize everything roaming millions of acres along with the ground they cover is ridiculous. However, science may soon provide a way to do one better. It seems E-Coli and other bacteria have a sweet tooth. Tests have indicated these bugs have an affinity for particular types of sugars. When nanoparticles of iron are coated with a pathogens’ particular favorite, they readily bond to the coating. Passing these solutions by a magnet can draw away an astounding 88% of the pathogens in as little as 45 minutes of exposure.
Because nanoparticles are extremely cheap to produce they could assist in decontaminating not just food, but blood reserves, water sources, etc. Virtually anything the little bugs live in we can trick them out of. Isn’t science grand?
Obviously we cannot protect ourselves from anything which might carry a disease. To suggest we can sterilize everything roaming millions of acres along with the ground they cover is ridiculous. However, science may soon provide a way to do one better. It seems E-Coli and other bacteria have a sweet tooth. Tests have indicated these bugs have an affinity for particular types of sugars. When nanoparticles of iron are coated with a pathogens’ particular favorite, they readily bond to the coating. Passing these solutions by a magnet can draw away an astounding 88% of the pathogens in as little as 45 minutes of exposure.
Because nanoparticles are extremely cheap to produce they could assist in decontaminating not just food, but blood reserves, water sources, etc. Virtually anything the little bugs live in we can trick them out of. Isn’t science grand?
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Let's Talk About Accuracy
A recent article in Science News discussed the latest satellite used to measure earth’s ice sheets. To calibrate the altitude measuring instruments on board the satellite the scientists use a salt flat in Bolivia. This salt flat was determined by previous tests to be flat over an area approximately 25 miles wide by 30 miles long. This New Jersey sized area was crisscrossed by SUVs with GPS antennas mounted to their roofs. The scientists collected data every 100 meters (about the length of a football field). What amazed me most about the survey is not that they discovered that the field wasn’t flat. What blew my mind was that they were able to tell that the vehicles were riding about 5mm (less than ¼ of an inch) higher off the ground at the end of the day when their fuel tanks were almost empty. The salt flat results indicated that the highest point was actually about 30 inches higher than the lowest point, about 30 miles away.
Now let’s talk about global warming. The same degree of accuracy is telling us the world temperature is rising at unprecedented rates. However, large numbers of senior legislators (read George Bush and cronies) are still disputing these results and their urgency. The ice caps are, in fact disappearing, and the oceans are indeed rising. These people who dispute the findings have no scientific background and are therefore able to doubt the accuracy of the scientists and their instruments.
What surprises me most about our country is not that these people can deny or bury anything contrary to their belief system under a mountain of B.S. What most amazes me is that we continue to elect these ignorant people to the highest offices in the land. If we don’t wake up soon, the damage we continue to do to the environment will be our undoing. Who cares if alternative energy development costs the oil ticket a few billions? They didn’t deserve the money anyway. Our children deserve better.
Bob Parmelee
Now let’s talk about global warming. The same degree of accuracy is telling us the world temperature is rising at unprecedented rates. However, large numbers of senior legislators (read George Bush and cronies) are still disputing these results and their urgency. The ice caps are, in fact disappearing, and the oceans are indeed rising. These people who dispute the findings have no scientific background and are therefore able to doubt the accuracy of the scientists and their instruments.
What surprises me most about our country is not that these people can deny or bury anything contrary to their belief system under a mountain of B.S. What most amazes me is that we continue to elect these ignorant people to the highest offices in the land. If we don’t wake up soon, the damage we continue to do to the environment will be our undoing. Who cares if alternative energy development costs the oil ticket a few billions? They didn’t deserve the money anyway. Our children deserve better.
Bob Parmelee
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Political Wit and Satire
"If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed." -Mark Twain
Suppose you were an idiot; And suppose you were a member of Congress....But then I repeat myself. -Mark Twain
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. -Winston Churchill
A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. - George Bernard Shaw
A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money. -G Gordon Liddy
Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. -James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)
Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries. -Douglas Casey, Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University
Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. -P.J. O'Rourke, Civil Libertarian
Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else. -Frederic Bastiat, French Economist (1801-1850)
Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases:If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it, and if it stops moving, subsidize it. -Ronald Reagan (1986)
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. -Will Rogers
If you think health care is expensive now; wait until you see what it costs when it's free! -P.J. O'Rourke
Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politic won't take an interest in you! -Pericles (430 B.C.)
No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session. -Mark Twain (1866
Talk is cheap...except when Congress does it. -Unknown
The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other. -Ronald Reagan
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery. -Winston Churchill
The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin. -Mark Twain
There is no distinctly Native American criminal Congress. -Mark Twain
What this country needs are more unemployed politicians. -Edward Langley, Artist (1928 - 1995)
A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. -Thomas Jefferson
Suppose you were an idiot; And suppose you were a member of Congress....But then I repeat myself. -Mark Twain
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. -Winston Churchill
A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. - George Bernard Shaw
A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money. -G Gordon Liddy
Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. -James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)
Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries. -Douglas Casey, Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University
Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. -P.J. O'Rourke, Civil Libertarian
Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else. -Frederic Bastiat, French Economist (1801-1850)
Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases:If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it, and if it stops moving, subsidize it. -Ronald Reagan (1986)
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. -Will Rogers
If you think health care is expensive now; wait until you see what it costs when it's free! -P.J. O'Rourke
Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politic won't take an interest in you! -Pericles (430 B.C.)
No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session. -Mark Twain (1866
Talk is cheap...except when Congress does it. -Unknown
The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other. -Ronald Reagan
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery. -Winston Churchill
The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin. -Mark Twain
There is no distinctly Native American criminal Congress. -Mark Twain
What this country needs are more unemployed politicians. -Edward Langley, Artist (1928 - 1995)
A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. -Thomas Jefferson
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Are Science and Religion Forever Mortal Enemies?
Imagine a black hole, if you can. There is one or more in every galaxy. These cosmic sized vacuum cleaners suck everything in their neighborhood down a funnel much like water going down the drain. As matter enters the vortex it’s structure becomes more and more compressed.
This is possible because matter primarily consists of empty space. Space between molecules, space between atoms in molecules, space between electrons and nuclei, etc. As the space between these particles of matter decreases the process generates heat. Tremendous amounts of heat. In fact, the trillions of degrees of heat are so intense the particles actually revert to their primal form, energy. Einstein’s theory tells us that the amount of energy created equals the material mass times the speed of light squared.
Now lets assume the process occurred on a universe sized scale billions of years before the birth of our universe. Every single gram of matter became a part of a soccer sized ball of pure energy and there is no physical matter left. All knowledge, time, and matter are encompassed in this ball of energy….God, if you will. Then, for reasons not even guessed at yet, the ball blows up. We have the big bang. Energy is spewed out in all directions in a trillion degree heat wave. Our universe is born. As the energy becomes dissipated things begin to cool off. Millions of years later matter begins to form in a process similar to water vapor condensing to steam, and then water droplets. Clouds of the simplest from of matter, one electron circulating one proton, hydrogen, begin to form in galaxy sized clusters.
Which brings us to today. Billions of years after the big bang we find ourselves living on the third rock from our sun in the Milky Way galaxy. We begin to look outward with ever more powerful instruments. But we are not just looking away from our planet; we are looking back in time. Because light takes time to reach us, the light we see tells us the way things were when it first began to travel in our direction. If we look back far enough we can glimpse the birth of our universe.
China is now developing an array of antennas about two miles long in a high plains desert area where a clear and undistorted view of the heavens is possible. This antenna array is a form of radio telescope which permits detection of something called background microwave radiation. This is radiation believed to be left over from the big bang. When information begins flowing from this giant instrument we should be able to determine the circumstances surrounding the birth of our universe.
There is an interesting conflict growing as a result of the increase in knowledge provided by instruments of this sort. Our increasing wealth of knowledge is creating an ever widening gulf between science and conventional western religions. Christian based religions believe the world we live in was created a mere 6000 years ago by a single act of a supreme being. This doctrine, however, is being contradicted by an ever increasing body of evidence supported by mathematics and science which, interestingly enough also give us our laptops and IPODs.
At some point, perhaps today, these opposing points of view will have to be resolved if the world is to move forward without conflict. As any student of history knows, religious conflicts have been the reason for some of the biggest bloodbaths in human history. We must begin to put superstition and mysticism at rest. The world of make believe served the organizers of man well for centuries but inevitably leads to an ungodly amount of blood shed.
It is time to move on; time to give peace a chance.
Bob Parmelee
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Are Conspiracy Theories Just Theories?
Most people have heard whispers for decades about more fuel efficient carburetors which can deliver huge increases in mileage. The geniuses (or lucky stumblers) who discover these boons to all mankind sell the patents for a few million bucks to leave the life of a poor starving inventor behind. The giant corporations who purchase the technology sit on it because, the theory goes, they are better off preserving the status quo. Retooling or retro-fitting is expensive, but that is not the reason. The real reason is because the major stock owners also own stock in related industries, like oil and gas. The combined losses from declines in sales of those products would result in stock price reductions which would far outweigh the gain in their GM stock.
Another great conspiracy involves the JFK assassination. According to many researchers and lawyers close to the situation at the time, the mob was responsible for Kennedy’s death. The theory holds that the mob had developed a huge gamboling mecca 90 miles offshore in Havana, Cuba. They were looking to the president to invade Cuba to insure against the loss of their holdings. When Kennedy called off the Bay of Pigs invasion they lost millions, so to preserve their reputation, the president had to go.
As horrific and disgusting as these scenarios would be, if true, they didn’t directly affect the bulk of humanity at the time. Sure we would have had more money in our pockets and would breathe cleaner air. But most of us don’t belly up to the blackjack table in a big way, and air quality wasn’t a very big concern back then. Besides, a few greedy CEOs enriching their shareholders at the expense of the many is no new news: Heck, it’s the American Way. But what if there was a cure for the greatest scourge to mankind in history, cancer? Is it conceivable that the giant drug companies would sit on something like that?
According to Jenny Thompson, director of the Health Sciences Institute, they can, and do. Researchers at the Institute have shown that extracts from a tree deep in the Amazon Jungle (of course) can safely attack cancer without causing debilitating side effects like severe nausea or hair and weight loss. The reason this miracle tree’s extracts are not available is simple. After years of trying, at a cost in the millions, the drug company wasn’t able to synthesize the protein responsible for the beneficial effects. Because the tree’s extracts are completely natural and therefore unpatentable under federal law, the company saw no way to make a killing on its discovery. Further, an inexpensive solution to the world’s number one health problem would undermine the giant revenue streams from other, albeit inferior, products already in place. From a corporate standpoint the only course of action was to bury the research. Releasing such a breakthrough would be akin to committing corporate suicide by the captains in charge.
How many people die in vain, or in pain, is not on the radar screen of a corporate chief. Only profit matters and protecting the bottom line is job one. But wouldn’t it be nice to imagine a saner world where people mattered more than money? A world where the goodwill which came from self-sacrificing deeds and acts of charity weighed as heavily as cash in the bank. In fact, isn’t the area of health care a proper place for the government to invest our billions? Instead of being stewards of the weapons of mass destruction, shouldn’t governments everywhere concentrate on improving the welfare of their citizens? In a sane world would a government invest 1800 billions of dollars in a useless war of destruction abroad and deny it’s own citizens 18 billion dollars for the health care of it’s most needy children? Isn’t it time we reordered our priorities?
Bob Parmelee
Another great conspiracy involves the JFK assassination. According to many researchers and lawyers close to the situation at the time, the mob was responsible for Kennedy’s death. The theory holds that the mob had developed a huge gamboling mecca 90 miles offshore in Havana, Cuba. They were looking to the president to invade Cuba to insure against the loss of their holdings. When Kennedy called off the Bay of Pigs invasion they lost millions, so to preserve their reputation, the president had to go.
As horrific and disgusting as these scenarios would be, if true, they didn’t directly affect the bulk of humanity at the time. Sure we would have had more money in our pockets and would breathe cleaner air. But most of us don’t belly up to the blackjack table in a big way, and air quality wasn’t a very big concern back then. Besides, a few greedy CEOs enriching their shareholders at the expense of the many is no new news: Heck, it’s the American Way. But what if there was a cure for the greatest scourge to mankind in history, cancer? Is it conceivable that the giant drug companies would sit on something like that?
According to Jenny Thompson, director of the Health Sciences Institute, they can, and do. Researchers at the Institute have shown that extracts from a tree deep in the Amazon Jungle (of course) can safely attack cancer without causing debilitating side effects like severe nausea or hair and weight loss. The reason this miracle tree’s extracts are not available is simple. After years of trying, at a cost in the millions, the drug company wasn’t able to synthesize the protein responsible for the beneficial effects. Because the tree’s extracts are completely natural and therefore unpatentable under federal law, the company saw no way to make a killing on its discovery. Further, an inexpensive solution to the world’s number one health problem would undermine the giant revenue streams from other, albeit inferior, products already in place. From a corporate standpoint the only course of action was to bury the research. Releasing such a breakthrough would be akin to committing corporate suicide by the captains in charge.
How many people die in vain, or in pain, is not on the radar screen of a corporate chief. Only profit matters and protecting the bottom line is job one. But wouldn’t it be nice to imagine a saner world where people mattered more than money? A world where the goodwill which came from self-sacrificing deeds and acts of charity weighed as heavily as cash in the bank. In fact, isn’t the area of health care a proper place for the government to invest our billions? Instead of being stewards of the weapons of mass destruction, shouldn’t governments everywhere concentrate on improving the welfare of their citizens? In a sane world would a government invest 1800 billions of dollars in a useless war of destruction abroad and deny it’s own citizens 18 billion dollars for the health care of it’s most needy children? Isn’t it time we reordered our priorities?
Bob Parmelee
Sounds harsh doesn’t it? However, it does seem to be a fitting description of America’s political leadership. Special money interests have effectively eroded the ethical, moral and social values of our legislative and executive branches of government. Only the judicial branch has thus far avoided scandal. Recently, though, there is evidence the executive branch is attempting to suborn the prerogatives of our courts. The oil lobby, gun and arms lobby, the pharmaceutical lobby and others ad nauseam have so saturated American political coffers that no congressman or senator is immune to their influence. We have pork barrel money buying bridges to nowhere in Alaska and more kids on prescription drugs in schools than addicts on the streets. We can waste untold billions overseas but can’t afford higher education for our students or adequate social security funding for our retirees.
There is evidence the public is no longer fooled by the disgraceful conduct of our elected officials. However, they also seem to be without a clue how to change this dismal state of affairs. Although congress and the president currently have the lowest approval rating in the nation’s history, the peoples’ only solution seems to be to avoid the ballot box. The simple fact that our president continues to badger congress for funds to perpetuate and expand an untenable, immoral and irrelevant war, and then veto funds for health care for our children and seniors is despicable. The fact that our president could use a tragedy like 9/11 to trample all over the constitution is inexcusable. To use such an event to wire tap, eves drop, incarcerate on suspicion of and seize assets without due process is beyond belief. Many have been sounding the alarm but the vast majority of our citizens either refuse to believe these truths or choose the road to mind numbing apathy.
Perhaps the only hope for our future is another look at our past. To quote one of the most famous of our constitutions framers: “The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve, nor will he receive, either.” Ben Franklin spoke these words 240 years ago and if we don’t wake up to the reality of the present state of the nation we will find ourselves where we were prior to 1776. The only difference will be the opposition we will be facing will be ourselves.
We are entering a period of consequence. When our senators can blather for hours about the lack of evidence to support global warming what chance do we citizens have of coming to informed decisions? In the final analysis, if our country no longer stands for truth and justice, if only money trips our trigger, are we really any more than severely compromised whores?
Robert Parmelee 10/26/2007
There is evidence the public is no longer fooled by the disgraceful conduct of our elected officials. However, they also seem to be without a clue how to change this dismal state of affairs. Although congress and the president currently have the lowest approval rating in the nation’s history, the peoples’ only solution seems to be to avoid the ballot box. The simple fact that our president continues to badger congress for funds to perpetuate and expand an untenable, immoral and irrelevant war, and then veto funds for health care for our children and seniors is despicable. The fact that our president could use a tragedy like 9/11 to trample all over the constitution is inexcusable. To use such an event to wire tap, eves drop, incarcerate on suspicion of and seize assets without due process is beyond belief. Many have been sounding the alarm but the vast majority of our citizens either refuse to believe these truths or choose the road to mind numbing apathy.
Perhaps the only hope for our future is another look at our past. To quote one of the most famous of our constitutions framers: “The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve, nor will he receive, either.” Ben Franklin spoke these words 240 years ago and if we don’t wake up to the reality of the present state of the nation we will find ourselves where we were prior to 1776. The only difference will be the opposition we will be facing will be ourselves.
We are entering a period of consequence. When our senators can blather for hours about the lack of evidence to support global warming what chance do we citizens have of coming to informed decisions? In the final analysis, if our country no longer stands for truth and justice, if only money trips our trigger, are we really any more than severely compromised whores?
Robert Parmelee 10/26/2007
Are there cures for cancer?
According to information provided by Health Sciences Institute they are here already. However, major drug firms have been unable to synthesize proteins close to those responsible for the beneficial cures from the natural substances. Until they can, much of the work they have been doing is not patentable. In other words, until the derivatives from the research can be protected financially, the benefits will continue to be unavailable to the public, or a least very slow in coming.
About 30 years ago an extract from the bark of the yew tree called taxol was determined to reduce or eliminate a half a dozen types of cancer, without the serious after effects of chemotherapy treatments. However, it took 30 years to reach the market. Recently, promising products from a tree called the graviola tree are demonstrating even more potent cancer fighting abilities. After 10 years and millions of dollars the main antihumorous chemical annonacin has been synthesized. Scientists finally recreated this chemical and several other active acetogenins in the lab. The next step is to change these chemicals enough for them to be “novel” so they can be awarded patents, but not enough that they loose their beneficial properties. So far these attempts have failed. It seems as soon as the chemicals are altered they loose their potent antihumorous action.
Unless, or until, the government takes direct action via the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Health a full scale assault on cancer with this promising therapy will not be available in a timely fashion. The risk is too great and the cost too large for a single drug company to assume. The drug companies cannot be faulted for failing to release their results for free. That would be a form of corporate suicide. Research of this nature, which would truly benefit all mankind, should be a government mandate. That way the cost would be easily affordable and the products which resulted would be affordable by rich and poor alike. Unfortunately, here in the USA, our ruling elite is focused on wasting trillions on a war machine, which leaves precious little for improving the health and welfare of it’s citizens.
I am ambivalent about the harvesting of herbal or tribal remedies from sources such as the Amazon. The tree at the root of a modern day cure for most cancers comes from one of the most delicate and critical environments on the planet, the rain forest. Should a world wide demand for a cancer cure spur yet another mauling of the tropical forests, global warming will certainly shift into a higher gear. Synthetic products will eventually be discovered and become available without the devastation of our forests. We must demand that our government reorder it’s priorities and provide adequate funds for health research so future generations don’t have to pay the price of our lack of responsible fiscal management.
Bob Parmelee
For more information on the graviola tree or to review the complete reports go to
About 30 years ago an extract from the bark of the yew tree called taxol was determined to reduce or eliminate a half a dozen types of cancer, without the serious after effects of chemotherapy treatments. However, it took 30 years to reach the market. Recently, promising products from a tree called the graviola tree are demonstrating even more potent cancer fighting abilities. After 10 years and millions of dollars the main antihumorous chemical annonacin has been synthesized. Scientists finally recreated this chemical and several other active acetogenins in the lab. The next step is to change these chemicals enough for them to be “novel” so they can be awarded patents, but not enough that they loose their beneficial properties. So far these attempts have failed. It seems as soon as the chemicals are altered they loose their potent antihumorous action.
Unless, or until, the government takes direct action via the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Health a full scale assault on cancer with this promising therapy will not be available in a timely fashion. The risk is too great and the cost too large for a single drug company to assume. The drug companies cannot be faulted for failing to release their results for free. That would be a form of corporate suicide. Research of this nature, which would truly benefit all mankind, should be a government mandate. That way the cost would be easily affordable and the products which resulted would be affordable by rich and poor alike. Unfortunately, here in the USA, our ruling elite is focused on wasting trillions on a war machine, which leaves precious little for improving the health and welfare of it’s citizens.
I am ambivalent about the harvesting of herbal or tribal remedies from sources such as the Amazon. The tree at the root of a modern day cure for most cancers comes from one of the most delicate and critical environments on the planet, the rain forest. Should a world wide demand for a cancer cure spur yet another mauling of the tropical forests, global warming will certainly shift into a higher gear. Synthetic products will eventually be discovered and become available without the devastation of our forests. We must demand that our government reorder it’s priorities and provide adequate funds for health research so future generations don’t have to pay the price of our lack of responsible fiscal management.
Bob Parmelee
For more information on the graviola tree or to review the complete reports go to
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Is everybody a Neanderthal? Is everybody a sicko?
If you watch the news and agree with the world as they portray it we certainly all must be both. Otherwise, why would we allow ourselves to wallow in the swill the media dishes up as daily fare?
Just suppose for a minute we weren’t bombarded with the detritus of wars and the corrupt behavior of our leaders. Suppose, instead, we were served a diet of honorable deeds among men. Suppose the media provided a progressively encouraging menu of scientific breakthroughs improving the quality of our lives and beating back the misery afflicting humans everywhere. And, for the sake of argument, lets say articles of this sort can be found on page one. Would people stop buying newspapers or stop watching the evening news?
Would the current state of world affairs continue to decline? Or would the world begin to shift toward a more benign and civil minded mentality? Suppose we were encouraged to hope for a better future based on scientific quantum leaps in health care and clean and renewable energy sources. The only losers in such a scenario would be the mass producers of destruction whose profits come from a mind set stuck in 2000 year old sand. Only profits which come from the perpetuation and reinforcing of the basest of human emotions would be at risk.
I, for one, believe the world could survive an onslaught of positive news and would be far better for it. If you agree, email me at:
Is everybody a Neanderthal? Is everybody a sicko?
If you watch the news and agree with the world as they portray it we certainly all must be both. Otherwise, why would we allow ourselves to wallow in the swill the media dishes up as daily fare?
Just suppose for a minute we weren’t bombarded with the detritus of wars and the corrupt behavior of our leaders. Suppose, instead, we were served a diet of honorable deeds among men. Suppose the media provided a progressively encouraging menu of scientific breakthroughs improving the quality of our lives and beating back the misery afflicting humans everywhere. And, for the sake of argument, lets say articles of this sort can be found on page one. Would people stop buying newspapers or stop watching the evening news?
Would the current state of world affairs continue to decline? Or would the world begin to shift toward a more benign and civil minded mentality? Suppose we were encouraged to hope for a better future based on scientific quantum leaps in health care and clean and renewable energy sources. The only losers in such a scenario would be the mass producers of destruction whose profits come from a mind set stuck in 2000 year old sand. Only profits which come from the perpetuation and reinforcing of the basest of human emotions would be at risk.
I, for one, believe the world could survive an onslaught of positive news and would be far better for it. If you agree, email me at:
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