Thursday, November 29, 2007

Are Conspiracy Theories Just Theories?

Most people have heard whispers for decades about more fuel efficient carburetors which can deliver huge increases in mileage. The geniuses (or lucky stumblers) who discover these boons to all mankind sell the patents for a few million bucks to leave the life of a poor starving inventor behind. The giant corporations who purchase the technology sit on it because, the theory goes, they are better off preserving the status quo. Retooling or retro-fitting is expensive, but that is not the reason. The real reason is because the major stock owners also own stock in related industries, like oil and gas. The combined losses from declines in sales of those products would result in stock price reductions which would far outweigh the gain in their GM stock.
Another great conspiracy involves the JFK assassination. According to many researchers and lawyers close to the situation at the time, the mob was responsible for Kennedy’s death. The theory holds that the mob had developed a huge gamboling mecca 90 miles offshore in Havana, Cuba. They were looking to the president to invade Cuba to insure against the loss of their holdings. When Kennedy called off the Bay of Pigs invasion they lost millions, so to preserve their reputation, the president had to go.
As horrific and disgusting as these scenarios would be, if true, they didn’t directly affect the bulk of humanity at the time. Sure we would have had more money in our pockets and would breathe cleaner air. But most of us don’t belly up to the blackjack table in a big way, and air quality wasn’t a very big concern back then. Besides, a few greedy CEOs enriching their shareholders at the expense of the many is no new news: Heck, it’s the American Way. But what if there was a cure for the greatest scourge to mankind in history, cancer? Is it conceivable that the giant drug companies would sit on something like that?
According to Jenny Thompson, director of the Health Sciences Institute, they can, and do. Researchers at the Institute have shown that extracts from a tree deep in the Amazon Jungle (of course) can safely attack cancer without causing debilitating side effects like severe nausea or hair and weight loss. The reason this miracle tree’s extracts are not available is simple. After years of trying, at a cost in the millions, the drug company wasn’t able to synthesize the protein responsible for the beneficial effects. Because the tree’s extracts are completely natural and therefore unpatentable under federal law, the company saw no way to make a killing on its discovery. Further, an inexpensive solution to the world’s number one health problem would undermine the giant revenue streams from other, albeit inferior, products already in place. From a corporate standpoint the only course of action was to bury the research. Releasing such a breakthrough would be akin to committing corporate suicide by the captains in charge.
How many people die in vain, or in pain, is not on the radar screen of a corporate chief. Only profit matters and protecting the bottom line is job one. But wouldn’t it be nice to imagine a saner world where people mattered more than money? A world where the goodwill which came from self-sacrificing deeds and acts of charity weighed as heavily as cash in the bank. In fact, isn’t the area of health care a proper place for the government to invest our billions? Instead of being stewards of the weapons of mass destruction, shouldn’t governments everywhere concentrate on improving the welfare of their citizens? In a sane world would a government invest 1800 billions of dollars in a useless war of destruction abroad and deny it’s own citizens 18 billion dollars for the health care of it’s most needy children? Isn’t it time we reordered our priorities?
Bob Parmelee


Sounds harsh doesn’t it? However, it does seem to be a fitting description of America’s political leadership. Special money interests have effectively eroded the ethical, moral and social values of our legislative and executive branches of government. Only the judicial branch has thus far avoided scandal. Recently, though, there is evidence the executive branch is attempting to suborn the prerogatives of our courts. The oil lobby, gun and arms lobby, the pharmaceutical lobby and others ad nauseam have so saturated American political coffers that no congressman or senator is immune to their influence. We have pork barrel money buying bridges to nowhere in Alaska and more kids on prescription drugs in schools than addicts on the streets. We can waste untold billions overseas but can’t afford higher education for our students or adequate social security funding for our retirees.
There is evidence the public is no longer fooled by the disgraceful conduct of our elected officials. However, they also seem to be without a clue how to change this dismal state of affairs. Although congress and the president currently have the lowest approval rating in the nation’s history, the peoples’ only solution seems to be to avoid the ballot box. The simple fact that our president continues to badger congress for funds to perpetuate and expand an untenable, immoral and irrelevant war, and then veto funds for health care for our children and seniors is despicable. The fact that our president could use a tragedy like 9/11 to trample all over the constitution is inexcusable. To use such an event to wire tap, eves drop, incarcerate on suspicion of and seize assets without due process is beyond belief. Many have been sounding the alarm but the vast majority of our citizens either refuse to believe these truths or choose the road to mind numbing apathy.
Perhaps the only hope for our future is another look at our past. To quote one of the most famous of our constitutions framers: “The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve, nor will he receive, either.” Ben Franklin spoke these words 240 years ago and if we don’t wake up to the reality of the present state of the nation we will find ourselves where we were prior to 1776. The only difference will be the opposition we will be facing will be ourselves.
We are entering a period of consequence. When our senators can blather for hours about the lack of evidence to support global warming what chance do we citizens have of coming to informed decisions? In the final analysis, if our country no longer stands for truth and justice, if only money trips our trigger, are we really any more than severely compromised whores?

Robert Parmelee 10/26/2007

Are there cures for cancer?

According to information provided by Health Sciences Institute they are here already. However, major drug firms have been unable to synthesize proteins close to those responsible for the beneficial cures from the natural substances. Until they can, much of the work they have been doing is not patentable. In other words, until the derivatives from the research can be protected financially, the benefits will continue to be unavailable to the public, or a least very slow in coming.
About 30 years ago an extract from the bark of the yew tree called taxol was determined to reduce or eliminate a half a dozen types of cancer, without the serious after effects of chemotherapy treatments. However, it took 30 years to reach the market. Recently, promising products from a tree called the graviola tree are demonstrating even more potent cancer fighting abilities. After 10 years and millions of dollars the main antihumorous chemical annonacin has been synthesized. Scientists finally recreated this chemical and several other active acetogenins in the lab. The next step is to change these chemicals enough for them to be “novel” so they can be awarded patents, but not enough that they loose their beneficial properties. So far these attempts have failed. It seems as soon as the chemicals are altered they loose their potent antihumorous action.
Unless, or until, the government takes direct action via the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Health a full scale assault on cancer with this promising therapy will not be available in a timely fashion. The risk is too great and the cost too large for a single drug company to assume. The drug companies cannot be faulted for failing to release their results for free. That would be a form of corporate suicide. Research of this nature, which would truly benefit all mankind, should be a government mandate. That way the cost would be easily affordable and the products which resulted would be affordable by rich and poor alike. Unfortunately, here in the USA, our ruling elite is focused on wasting trillions on a war machine, which leaves precious little for improving the health and welfare of it’s citizens.
I am ambivalent about the harvesting of herbal or tribal remedies from sources such as the Amazon. The tree at the root of a modern day cure for most cancers comes from one of the most delicate and critical environments on the planet, the rain forest. Should a world wide demand for a cancer cure spur yet another mauling of the tropical forests, global warming will certainly shift into a higher gear. Synthetic products will eventually be discovered and become available without the devastation of our forests. We must demand that our government reorder it’s priorities and provide adequate funds for health research so future generations don’t have to pay the price of our lack of responsible fiscal management.
Bob Parmelee
For more information on the graviola tree or to review the complete reports go to