Sunday, October 4, 2009


Déjà vu, catch 22 -- Goodmorning Afghanistan....

Déjà vu, catch 22 -- we will never learn.

It's Vietnam all over again. With the same backward
thinking guiding us now, as then, why wouldn't it be?

General McChrystal has spoken.
The Taliban forces are increasing in Afghanistan.

Well of course they are, and we are the reason.
We are the invaders in Afghanistan as we were in
Vietnam and Iraq and shortly, if we leave it to our
military machine, as we will be in Iran.

Consider the Taliban's argument to the people, with
Iraq being the perfect example. Here come the
foreign devils killing your friends and family members,
destroying your towns, and imposing a foreign belief
system and martial law on what was formerly
a relatively peaceful country. If this were happening
in the U.S.A. citizens would be enlisting by the millions
in a heartbeat.

The Taliban is recruiting in record numbers because
we are acting exactly like any other foreign invader of
Afghanistan since time immemorial. Afgans are joining
the Taliban because it has as it’s purpose the goal of
repelling the foreign devil/invaders (us).

It is important to realize that Afghanistan is one of the
poorest, most illiterate and backward nations on earth.
They have no TV and radio to speak of, especially in
their remote villages which is where the Taliban have
sway. What the peasants know or believe is only what
they have been told by the people that have lead them
for centuries. Who would you trust if you were them?

What they see is their friends and family being
murdered on aregular basis by a nation safe and secure
on the other side of the planet. To the peasant
majorities in Iraq or Afghanistan we, the good old USA,
are about as remote and relevant to their lives as
Martians. Their choice is simple. They simply need to
defend themselves until we go away. Then they can
get back to the lives they have been living for centuries.

This is precisely why we have never won a war of this
kind. The people we are killing believe they are fighting
for their country.

And they will never quit fighting for their country.

Just because, from our point of view, the Afghan people
have a rough life doesn't mean we have to slaughter
them to relieve them of life’s burden.