What makes humanity special above other living things? Why do we grant ourselves a soul while condemning all other living things to a soulless existence? Upon our death and acceptance into heaven, why do we see ourselves sitting beside a God? Further, why would God want our company for eternity?
I believe the answer to those questions are to be found in the single word "hope".
As far as we know, all living things besides ourselves live in the moment, not the past or the future. That is to say, we have never been able to discern an animal reaction based upon that animal’s perception of its future. Therefore we have decided that an animal looks no further into the future than what is required for it to survive in the present.
Sure animals can learn; we teach or train animal behavior for all sorts of things. We acknowledge they have brains; but can they, or do they, hope? Does the thought of a better tomorrow, or any kind of future, ever cross an animal’s mind? Of course we have to say no. Consider for just a second what would happen to humanity if we decided that our animal food supply had a soul. Could we still slaughter a cow, or a pig or a chicken? Why is it we never depict God surrounded with a herd of bison?
The only reason for a human being to have a soul would be if that soul acted as transport vehicle for our life’s hopes; hopes to be realized or goals to be reached after our physical existence has died.
Spiritually speaking, or speaking from a cosmic point of view, would it really make a difference if our pathetic hopes and dreams died with our bodies?