Advances in science have outstripped the immovable force which organized religion represents. Organized religions' very survival depends upon the public's belief in the eternal teaching of the truth about life and the afterlife. Changes in belief are organized religions' biggest enemy.
The birth of the universe, and its explanation in mathematical terms, will spell the death of organized religion. Two things will happen in the future that will dispel the hold that all religions have had on the public since Baal once held the throne.
The first shock to the religious system will be the discovery of extra terrestrial life. That will probably be accomplished in our lifetime; perhaps in the next decade, or at least within my lifetime.(And I'm pretty old.) Mars appears to have an ice layer and, given the billions of years of evolution, probably supported a water-based environment long enough for life to develop as many as a billion years sooner than ours.
The second event will be more transformational; earth shaking in fact. There will be the unequivocal discovery of intelligent life signs originating from outside our solar system. Imagine intelligent life arriving from the stars beyond our immediate galaxy! Once this fact is clearly established the traditional concept of God will become irrelevant. Once it is clearly demonstrated that evolution will undeniably result in the generation of life whereever conditions in the universe permit, and those conditions exist in infinite number, our opinion of our singularity among the stars will be destroyed.
Imagine the peace our world could enjoy if our concept of life and the everlasting was finally settled, and all the most pressing questions of our destiny were finally answered.