Sunday, June 5, 2011

No One Can Fix Stupid.

An incredible number of smart people are trying to patch up the government money gaposis but the real problems are never addressed.

For example, incredible as it sounds, our Congress voted to require the Medicaid and Medicare systems to pay for drugs provided to seniors at full retail prices. Congress did this without regard for the fact that government is paying up to 10 times what they could be paying if they were able to negotiate lower prices. In what kind of make believe world does a policy like that make sense?

In other words, the biggest consumer pays the highest prices. Plain goofy if you ask me. Congress votes to require Medicaid spending increases in the billions annually by requiring highest drug prices to be paid to big Pharma for all the beneficiaries under their plans; and then complains bitterly when it comes time to borrow the money to pay the bill.

Until we can vote the stupid and greedy out of politics our situation will not improve.

Another million examples can be found in the trillions of dollars wasted on our military. We spend, as taxpayers, hundreds of billions yearly to businesses overseas which then contribute a ridiculously small US tax on that income. In fact our tax laws are so stupid these giant multinational corporations can't even bring that money back home. Our military gets away with wasting hundreds of billions of dollars annually with little or no oversight.

Until we require our lawyers (the Congress of the USA) to work for "we the people" and not the rich and greedy, as they do currently, the middle class stands no chance at all in sharing in the nation's prosperity. For that change to occur people will have to get off their intellectually lazy asses and pay attention to more than reality TV and their iPads. For us to get the leeches and bloodsuckers off the national stage and their fingers off our Nation's financial purse strings we need to study the issues. In order to vote correctly, I. E, in our own best interests for a change, we need to get a whole lot smarter or the middle class will grow no more.

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