Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The word is out... promiscuous sex is in!

Finally, promiscuous sex is getting the credit it deserves.

An interesting news article on Dr. Nancy, MSNBC mornings (I'm sorry I don't have more details) discussed a study concerning frequent but unemotional sexual encounters. In particular, the study sought to determine whether promiscuous sex could be proven to have negative consequences on (either or both) the physical and emotional well-being of those who participate in “the life”. The story didn't cover particulars such as what they used for a control group. Presumably this would include people
who had little or no sexual contact outside of the prescribed social norms like marriage or those who at least had the handle "committed” or “seriously involved" attached to their sexual activity.

So guess what?

Long story short the promiscuous group scored the highest across all age groups for emotional and physical well-being. The group labeled promiscuous was clearly happier, less stressed out, and in better overall physical condition. The study covered 12,000people's lives over a period of 20 years of their lives.

Guess further what?

Those who had a promiscuous past had a more successful marriage once they decided to tie the knot. Apparently, having solved the "curiosity of the cat", promiscuous people were able to settle into a more reliable or complacent "I'm happy with what I've got" frame of mind.

Curiosity doesn’t kill the cat... it kills the marriage. Does it really surprise anyone that people enjoying active sex lives are happier, better adjusted, and less stressful? Apparently the last vestiges of our Victorian backgrounds are being shed. The ridiculous notion that sex under any circumstances, other than forced situations, could actually be bad for you in any significant way is being relegated to the trash bin of history.

Twenty years down the road I wouldn't be surprised to see athletic sex the new Olympic sport.

When in Rome…
one should act like a Roman.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lets face it...War is a racket!

President Obama has, I suspect in order to relieve his incredible work load, turned over the war to the generals. (Eventually he was bound to follow the path of least resistance.) The generals will, without question, continue GWB's domino plan. His plan, if you'll recall, was to go from Muslim country to Muslim country on a Christian Jihad dedicated to eradicating the Taliban. (More truthfully
perhaps, eliminating Muslims.) Evidently, that's still our plan.

What should have been a rabbit hunt, where a few thousand of our elite special forces troops chase a few hundred of the 9/11 perpetrators into the mountains and caves, will be blown into $100 billion annual expenditure. The generals will attempt to justify a MacArthur style sweep throughout the Middle East. The fact that
Osama bin Laden, the ALLEGED target of our pursuit, has been dead these last 8 years doesn’t seem to dim the generals enthusiasm to hunt down and capture him.

The generals will fight this war phony with overworked, worn-out, suicidal troops. At least one soldier, when faced with yet a third tour to the Middle East, elected to end his own life rather than return. The suicide rate among the military is increasing monthly!

We will pay for this war on credit at our most critical economic point, when the stability of the nation's economic and financial well-being is still in question. We will neglect the needs of this nation in favor of another useless and unproductive war on the other side of the planet. In spite of what our leaders tell us, it doesn't take a big brain to realize what's going on outside our borders has nothing to do with our national security. No country on the map today is crazy enough to take on the USA.

If our national security is weak it is because our National Guard is overseas. The rationale behind sending our national defense troops overseas is as substantial as fog. The really stupid part of what we are being expected to swallow by the war council is that the people in these countries subjected to our bombarding appreciate us. It really takes a complete moron to even consider we may be able to win over the hearts and minds of a people by using guns and bombs on them.

We might stand a chance of winning over a nation’s people if we helped them to build schools or hospitals. If we helped the poorest of the world's nations with their infrastructure; their roads or electrical grid or water resources. If we did so I suspect they would learn to love us in double quick time. As long as we abuse their country they will never love or even appreciate us. But imagine the noise and uproar the good citizens of this country would create if it were known we were upgrading their country before upgrading our own infrastructure. It is much more politically correct to bomb them first.

The insanity of continuing to do over and over what has failed in the past will continue to plague our future.

The people in this once great nation are either too poorly informed, too misguided, too greedy, or too apathetic to care what is done in their name.

We follow blindly the actions of our leaders for one overarching reason. We all believe our nation's deciders know more than we do. We sincerely believe they have secret knowledge which, were we privy to it, would convince us the course we are on is true.

However, after watching the Bush/Cheney parade of people spouting the same lies over and over, I am convinced otherwise.

Fact: we are alienating the very people we are supposedly liberating. By indiscriminately killing them we couldn't possibly do more harm to our long-term interest.

We have allowed our generals to bring to full living color the popular board game RISK. One huge difference between a game and real-life is at the end of the game the troops, with no enemies to face, presumably get to go home. Our troops will never come home.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tonight's Big Number (12/01/09)

Tonight we get to learn about plans to send additional tens of thousands of troops into Our-Gaff-Astan. We have big boys with expensive war toys wasting billions of dollars and thousands of soldiers lives and limbs... as usual.

Folks, if you think we got shellacked in Vietnam, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Here is tonight's big number... one million.

$1 million is what it costs the government (the taxpayer) PER SOLDIER PER YEAR! The war business costs the world's citizens more than any other business endeavor. And yet America's citizens get nothing constructive from those efforts and expenditures except death and destruction. And jobs. We are, after all, the world's largest arms dealer.

What kind of warped thinking results in our government invading a sovereign nation with 100,000 troops -- allegedly chasing a few hundred outlaws?

The whole mess reminds me of a fairy tale called Robin Hood. As we all know from childhood Robin Hood (Osama bin Laden in the forests or caves) and his band of angry men (the Taliban) took on the Sheriffs of Naughtyham (Bush and Cheney) because their regime was so corrupt.

The idea behind the cat and mouse chase we have been engaged in these last eight years is this:

Keep the game interesting enough so those on the sidelines ( the taxpayers) will continue to finance the game. We could have caught the mouse (OBL) eight years ago but that would have ended the game. Our Sheriffs of Naughtyham (Bush and Cheney) couldn't have that, so the chase was called off within, literally, hours from capturing OBL. Does anybody think that happened by accident?

We, like the Vikings and Romans of old, are addicted to war. How disgusting.