Saturday, January 23, 2010

Barack Obama was the exception... Republicans Rule

We are falling off the rails.

Recent disruptions in the force spell doom for the Democrats.
In spite of the fact that the Democrats had a majority in both
houses of Congress, and a sitting President, they have
managed to fail to pass any legislation which would have
been beneficial to "we the people" in any meaningful way.

The Republicans on the other hand, while small in numbers,
manage to accomplish their objectives in spite of the odds.
Republicans, generally recognized as being the party of big
business, stand to gain politically now that the Supreme Court
has paved the way for unlimited funding from corporate America.

For example:

Giant financial institutions, which brought the world economy
to its knees, are still free to do whatever they want with their
depositors money. In spite of serious efforts by Barney Frank
financial reforms are both slow in coming and watered-down.

Timothy Geithner, as quarterback for Wall Street, had the stones
to recommend less than full disclosure to regulators with regard
to government bailouts being used for obscene bonuses. I
suppose selling out your constituents (these would be the good
citizens of the United States for whom he theoretically works)
would curry favor among those he supposedly regulates and
guarantee a grand entrance into the ex government
pro-corporation Hall of Flamers.

The Bush Supreme Court just sunk the last nail in the coffin of
a government envisioned by our forefathers which was
a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Control of the country will finally and firmly rest in the hands of
corporate giants whose monopoly cash can dominate the media
and can now be used to openly purchase politicians.

Healthcare is back to the drawing board. By failing to move quickly
the Dumbdems frittered away their biggest asset in decades,
a filibuster proof Senate. If you thought they couldn't get anything
done before... Just wait till you see how little they get done now!

Unfortunately, America no longer bears any resemblance to
the country originally formed by the framers of our Constitution.

Money rules. Individuals no longer count in a society where cash
is king.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A kingdom of thieves.

Country birthing is an expensive business.

Throughout our history, as we have grown into nationhood,
wealthy individuals have provided "loans" to the government.
The quid pro quo for these loans was usually a monopoly
granted by the government to these individuals for their
support in supplying the nation's treasury with liquidity.

The most recent chapter in our history started with the
robber barons acentury and a half ago. Carnegie, Mellon,
Vanderbilt, etc. all gained control of basic businesses
necessary for the survival and growth of the country.
These guys were no saints. They extracted a pound from
the treasury for every penny they loaned.

Here's what I think happened.

After the panic of '07 (last century and interestingly
enough this century also) an idea was hatched whereby
private individuals would help with a national liquidity
problem by establishing a bank called the Federal Reserve.
In 1913 the Federal Reserve was created.

There was nothing federal about it... it was a private bank
funded with private money.

The Federal Reserve System is the central banking system of
the United States. It was created in 1913, with the enactment
of the Federal Reserve Act , and
was largely a response to prior financial panics and bank
runs, the most severe of which being the Panic of 1907

A group of wealthy white boys saw a war looming on the
horizon and hatched a plan to finance the war. (Or maybe
they started a war with help from European bankers and then
hatched a plan???)

They needed security if they were to loan money to a
government under a war cloud so the government agreed to
establish an income tax as surety for the debt incurred
to these wealthy gentleman. Coincidently (the incidence
of coincidence decreases dramatically the older one gets)
the 16th amendment to the Constitution was ratified the
same year. The tax started at a maximum of 6% and before
the war was over that rate had risen to 77%.

Look out folks, I see this comming!

This 16th amendment would hearld the birth of the IRS.

This was the quid pro quo the government agreed with
in order to assure sufficient funds to wage the war.
It is similar thinking to the “carte blanche” the
government gave the railroad barons when they granted
a swath 100 miles wide from coast to coast to the railroad
on the off chance they could actually build a railroad
across the country. The risk was huge..The reward, well,
150 years later, still counting.

Amazing what a few "good old boys" could accomplish back then.

Suppose things are ever going to change?