Thursday, April 3, 2008

Clinton for Governor?

Since the New York governor's mansion has self imploded with Eliot Spitzer's and David Patterson's admissions of sexual excess, discussion has turned toward the possibility Hillary Clinton might consider moving from the U.S. Senate to the New York governor's mansion.

Recent polls clearly place Barack Obama a front runner in the national campaign. Perhaps it's time for Hillary to consider an exit strategy. Barack Obama has weathered the Reverend Wright earthquake and seems to be on firmer ground than ever. His ties to organized crime in Chicago have evaporated. His wife has slipped into the background after her gaffs about "finally feeling good about the country "she lives in and has benefited greatly from.

The worst that has been said about Hillary Clinton is she had ties to a company which got caught sideways in some very fragrant real estate deals. Nothing was ever proven regarding her involvement in the Whitewater scandal. On occasion, she is charged with orchestrating a few "cover-ups" regarding Bill's philandering. No one I know can blame a woman for protecting her home and family, even if it requires using Capitol police to run the "pass" interference.

So are the trial balloons about her moving into a position to become the new New York governor just hot air? Or is this just an attempt to thwart her national campaign hopes by the evil red herring genius? Or maybe this is some serious possibility we have to consider.

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