Friday, December 5, 2008

Feels good to be a cat.

We love them for their fur.... and their purr.

Think about it.

There is something incredibly tactile about a purr rumbling through thick fur. If you are lucky enough to be close enough, you can get a therapeutic benefit akin to a heat pad and a vibrator combined.

And then, there is their fur.

To run your fingers through the silky fur of a long-haired cat is like sliding velvet covered fingers on glass. The feeling is hard to describe, but so comforting it almost seems illegal.

And then, cats are so clean. Check out their tongues. The perfect scrubbing tool. The first company to replicate the scrubbing/cleansing action of a cat's tongue wins my housekeeping seal of approval.

Sure, they are imperious. You're darned right they have their own agenda. On occasion, they defer to their "master" and allow a few behind the ear or belly scratches. Consider yourself lucky are if you are deemed acceptable to a award
these perks.

Feels good to be a cat. They are so cool.

So be cool.


Be like a kitten.

You'll get all the attention you want -- probably way more than you are looking for.

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