Monday, January 23, 2012

Death is not complicated…

Death is not complicated; it is simply the antidote to life.

In physics it goes like this:
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Birth, sooner or later, leads to death. You can't fight it;
it is a fact of nature as eternal as night and day.

So why do some world religions, and in particular
those religions whose roots sprang to life in the Middle
East, seem to promote the concept of a life after death
with such ferocity? After all, most people around the
world don't worry one bit about life after death. Life
is tough enough without that additional burden to carry.

I suspect the answer can be found within the concept
that, according to those religions,everyone will be
judged, and punished, by some
Dark Lord/earth and mankind creator who we manage,
by our very existence, to offend.

By supersuasion 100 generations of descendents of
these Middle Eastern religions, members of the Christian,
Muslim and Jewish faiths, have successfully transferred
the concept of guilt to their heirs. They have been so
successful at passing on their hand-me-down beliefs
they have completely distorted their own reality. In fact,
their reality is so disturbed they produce one of the rarest
creatures on the planet; one capable of self-destruction
for an imagined cause and a promised reward redeemable
in the afterlife.

Once having become enveloped in this particular brand
of mass delusion, where life after death takes on bizarre
dimensions, people can be managed easily. In all
descriptions of an afterlife, a perfect utopia, behavior
takes on human rather than godlike attributes. Everything
we missed out on while living we get to enjoy once we are
dead, as soon as we get to Heaven.


While in this malleable state our putty minds can be
shaped or warped into psychic manifestations more
animal than human; regressed into primal states. We
can be frightened into believing, and subsequently
following and doing, the most despicable acts
imaginable. I myself cannot imagine the horror of
living within a population where human beings daily
turn themselves into human bombs. Further,I can't
imagine believing in a religion so distorted it could
promote that kind of thinking and behavior.

And then I realized, eureka moment, it is not the
people of the Middle East that need to be ethnicly
cleansed and their residue flushed down the toilet.

It is the religions themselves.

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