Monday, April 2, 2012

People entrusted can't be Trusted.

A good share of responsibility for the condition our country is in belongs to "we the people". People gripe about public official dereliction of duty and then forget that the primary duty of all citizens in this country is to stay informed on issues and vote in elections; after all, we are responsible for electing these people.

By the definition of a citizen's responsibility above, over half of the country is derelict in their duty.

Somewhere along the last half century people became nauseated by endless public disgraces. We had a litany of public disgraces from money to sex rubbed in our noses since the early 80’s. We the public became disgusted and millions of Americans tuned out.

President Clinton didn't help our image with his dick–licious tales of Oval oral Office intrigue. He also didn't advance our language skills with his "depends on your definition of what "is” is crap. Nevertheless, he did more for our country than most Presidents prior to and every President since his administration. Alas, his and America's image will be forever tarnished for no good reason.

George Bush Two ---‘nough said. GWB2 will go down in history as our worst President!

A list of public disgraces we should add to our national legacy are:
1.sexual scandals among our religious leaders starting with the Bakkers, Jerry Falwell, and the Catholic, Baptist, Mormon and other church officials guilty of sexual predation.
2.fanatical ministers like Jim Jones who sped his followers into the afterlife by convincing them to take self administered poisons, or the guy who attached himself and his followers to Haley's Comet.
3.the Church of Scientology who, through benign neglect, has caused the death of Lisa McPherson and misery to many others; the truth is western religion has done more throughout the centuries to arrest the advance of human development than just about anything but voodoo. The widespread practice among the Catholic clergy of prostrating their public (literally) may have castrated that religion permanently.
4.limitless sexual scandals among every stratosphere of public "officialdom” but whose media exploitation is particularly damaging to our National sense of self respect. When our “elites” get frozen in the spotlights red glare we all suffer a death by many cuts.

So is it any wonder why people are tuning out of the very issues that will affect them the most in the future? People, in general, hate politics!

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