Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Stop the government union from bankrupting America!

I wish I could take credit for that headline but Larry Kudlow gets the credit.

The truth is bureaucrats have managed to allocate to themselves and their political brethren salaries upwards of a million dollars annually in a few cases, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in salaries and benefits annually in most cases, without the tax paying public paying any attention.

Federal employees enjoy a lifetime of medical benefits and 100% of their last year’s salary, plus cost of living increases for the rest of their lives, once they reach middle management level and beyond.

I worked for MasterBrand for several years. For every year I worked I accumulated a benefit of $20 per month in retirement pay, vested after the first five years of full employment. In other words after 30 years with this company (this company is no different from many others) I would receive upon retirement age $600 per month/no medical benefits.

Had I worked for the government for those 30 years I would be entitled to a minimum of $6,000 per month and full medical benefits for the rest of my life. The average cost to the taxpayer per retired federal public employee currently is (correct me if I've missed my number by much) $125,000 per year.

The conclusion is obvious. We are completely out of our minds. Without realizing it we have put an entire segment of our population, i.e. the government sector, under European-style benefits and care worth far more than their lifetime service ever was. What's worse, the entire cost is being born by the private sector.

So to fill the gap in reason we are borrowing real money, in annual amounts which will sooner rather than later bankrupt every governmental budget nationwide. The next domino to fall will be the country.

Add it up. Would you give up 20 years of your working life as a highly paid public servant entitled to receive a lifetime of retirement pay and a lifetime of first-class medical care? Keep in mind that the cost of equivalent medical care would cost the average private retiree his entire monthly retirement benefit and more.

So don't bother to add up. If you are a private employee you're screwed. And we did it to ourselves.

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