Sunday, January 2, 2011

Where the confusion in the country begins.

Patriots abound. I suspect that if a box for “are you a patriot” YES ( ) NO ( )
were added to the U.S. Census poll close to 100% percent would check the YES box. Therefore we need to keep in mind that criticism of this country is not unpatriotic unless it is deliberately based on false analysis (manipulation) or outright lie and deception. (the controversy over wiki-leaks comes to mind) Everybody complains; that's patriotic!

Where the confusion begins is when people mistake the person for the office. If someone were to criticize this country in general my hackles will rise. Although statistically speaking the USA is no longer the best country in the world to live in, I would not trade it for another. There is still plenty to love about our country.

On the other hand, if someone were to criticize Dick Cheney I would do my best to pile on. Cheney outright lied to the American people often and bullied others in the administration to bend to his evil will, all for the most ambiguous of reasons. Hunger for power, greed beyond belief, and as a result a severe over-dose of fear and paranoia are my guesses for his behavior. However, I do not hold the office of the Vice President in disrepute because of Dick Cheney's actions. In spite of the fact that he was vice President of this country for eight years, the man was no patriot.

I don't believe the public will ever be told the whole truth about a whole range of bad acts covered up by the nation's dirty launderers. Some brilliant wordsmith once coined government expressions like “they are protecting us from ourselves”, or better still, “they are lying to us for our own good”. Speaking for myself I don't believe, or at least can't imagine, a single truth the universe could throw at me that I couldn't deal with. Of course, I am broad-minded. Don't ever lie to me and tell me it's for my own good. I am no mushroom.

Public officials, “lying to us for our own good”, are where the confusion begins. Starting with the Kennedy assassination our government has consistently lied to us where matters of national security were deemed to be concerned. Great orators and even greater speechwriters combine to elevate spin doctoring to a fine art and whose combined talents could bring the Mona Lisa to tears.

We the people are not stupid or brain-dead; we are just sorely misled. Until we hold the people who sit in public office accountable for their evil deeds those who follow in their footsteps will continue to push the envelope and abuse us further. Throwing a few bums out of Congress was a good start. Allowing big money to elect their replacements was a huge step backwards. Until our win/loss ratio turns positive this country will continue on its present course.

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